Aerial Silks
Also referred to as; aerial tissue, aerial ribbons, and “that Cirque du Soleil thing”, Aerial Silks take your imagination and self-confidence to new heights, figuratively and literally. Performers climb beautiful, flowing fabric utilizing only their own body, increasing strength, flexibility, skill, and confidence.

We break our students into colored Ranks, similar to the colored belt system of martial arts. Signified by a wristband or hero shirt.

Safety & Foundation

Flow & Application

Adv. Skill & Technique

Professional Performances
11:30A, 1:30P, 3:30P, 4:30P
4:30P, 6:30P
1:30P, 3:30P, 4:30P, 6:30P
4:30P, 6:30P
10:00A, 1:00P
1:30P, 3:00P, 5:00P
Our Aerial Silk fabric is used to wrap, suspend, swing, and spin your body in and out of new positions. Aerialists use the silks to fly through the air and strike poses, building flexibility and strength.
The foundation for silks can be broken up into climbs, wraps, and drops.
Climbs – The first step is getting up to the top. Slowly but surely, all practitioners are trained on how to properly gain the strength necessary to safely climb up and down the silk. Once you’ve tamed the basic climbs, our instructors will give you new and interesting methods of reaching the top. Whether you’re upright, or upside-down, climbing is the launching point and an amazing workout 15 minutes into the class.
Wraps – For the most complex poses, a good wrap will keep an aerialist safe and secure to pose as they wish. They can wrap one or more limbs, or their waist in order to get into different poses. Eventually, you can use wraps to roll and climb up the silk. Once you’ve found a handful of different ways to get up you’re ready to move on to…
Drops – One of the most dramatic movements in the art of aerial is the drop. After wrapping themselves high up in the air, a controlled drop unravels the aerialist into a safe secure pose.
Incorporating all three of these skills into a silk performance blends elegance with incredible strength and flexibility. Practicing aerial will help you build strength, endurance, flexibility, and confidence.
Our professional coaches have developed our curriculum to ensure you progress through learning as quickly and safely as possible.​
The Firestorm Family believes that through hard work, perseverance, and seeing obstacles as challenges to help you grow, each and every student can shape themselves into the Hero of their dreams.
We are trained to teach people of all ages and fitness levels to learn this exciting new movement and art form.